
Enchantment (1) Digital Video       2021 black and white / sound    4:17 minutes

The pair of works are an investigation of sexual dynamics through the use of Hitchcock’s 1963 film “ Psycho”. The first time I saw the film I was in high school. The teacher couched it as a referendum on feminine sexuality. Women are seen as either good or bad, the Madonna or the whore. Bad girls are discarded after pleasure or destroyed. The language of love in silly popular culture/ music is underpinned by obsession, implied violence, and real violence. It’s the threat of “not getting him angry” that permutates societies and is highlighted by this work by using the final scene of the conversation between victim and murderer.


Enchantment (2) Digital Video       2021 black and white / sound    4:28 minutes

The act of resurrection or rebirth out of the water and then the safe return comes as a kind of answer.